Monday, July 11, 2011

"Up" Outdoor Movie Pictures

Over 1,500 people came to watch "Up" with Russell, Carl, Kevin, and the whole gang. Free ice cream, water balloon tosses, and free t-shirt launches were enjoyed by all. Thanks for coming!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Ducky Derby 2011


The new Stream and Trail that runs on the hill south of campus is beautifully laden with plants and waterfalls, which makes walking along the trail hand in hand a perfect romantic date night. However, for a more lively and fun date (or activity with roommates, family, and/or friends), consider attending the Ducky Derby!
It all starts at 10 o’clock AM this Saturday (May 14th) and will wrap up right around 1 in the afternoon. From start to finish, rubber ducks will race down the stream in heats while owners of the ducks walk anxiously on the trail. Racers can register day-of at the botany pond south of campus; cost is 2 bucks for a rubber duck and a JDawg. Extra ducks (increase your chances of winning) and JDawgs can be purchased for $1 each.  Jdawgs aren’t the only amazing draw to the Ducky Derby, winners of each heat will be given a prize and the chance to race in the final heat at 12:30pm. The three quickest duckies will win their owners BYU Bookstore gift cards (graciously donated).
So, there really is no question of what each student at BYU will be doing this weekend. Just close your eyes and imagine it: the summer sun, dance infusing music, children and students laughing in unison, the smell of fresh JDawgs wafting through the air, and hundreds of bright yellow ducks zipping down the stream towards the finish line. I dare you to find a more entertaining way to spend a Saturday afternoon. 


The Ducky Derby was a great success! Around 1,000 people gathered at the duck pond and the new stream south of BYU campus. J-Dawgs were eaten and hundreds of ducks were decorated and raced down the pond. Congratulations to our winners and to all of our participants!