Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Your Lady is Gonna Love You.


Are you worried about Valentine's Day plans for that special someone in your life?


What you need to know is that the BYU Events Team has got your back and will help you impress your lady like never before. Seriously, men- take it from a woman... if you treat her well, your lady is gonna love you.

Saturday, February 11th, 2012 
treat your woman to
at BYU's own

 Boys, let me tell it to you straight. 
 Girls like food.
Girls like music, particularly the succulent sounds of saxophones and sweet singers.
Girls like any excuse to dress up in adorable 1940s outfits.
(Girls like any excuse to dress up because they want to be complimented by you on how adorable they are.)
Girls like DANCING!
and Girls especially like it when dancing means you get to hold them close. 

So men... take this moment to think of your special someone and make it your personal goal to be the "hot topic" between her and her friends. She will not stop talking about how amazing you are if you treat her like a lady and take her to BIG BAND NIGHT! 

Tickets are $20 with a BYU student ID
(remember: that includes dinner, live entertainment, and holding your lady close!)
Purchase tickets at the WSC INFO DESK 
and look on the BYU Events Team Facebook page for more information.

Boys, your lady is gonna love you. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

WAR DRAFT: The War on Winter

Calling all BYU Citizens: We are officially initiating the draft for the War on Winter. 

United against a common enemy: Winter. Though the foe is strong and the cold is rough, we can and will come out victorious. 

All cadets are expected to report to the WILK [on BYU campus] on Friday, January 20th between the hours of 8-11:30pm. 

As for the matter of expected uniform, plan to wear clothes in which you can practice exercise drills on the inflatables, work on your target shooting & evasive techniques in the laser tag arena, and then go dance the winter blues away.

The registration fee will be $3/cadet. But never fear-- those $3 get you quite a few special privileges.

You can:

- Take Facebook-worthy pictures in our PHOTO BOOTH

- Watch thrilling WARREN-MILLER FILMS

- Eat Sugar'n'Spice goodies, Jamba Juice smoothies, and Taco Bell... ANYTHING for 10% off ALL NIGHT, BABY!

- Show off your skills to your date (or potential dates) in PING-PONG and BOARD GAMES!

- Make those ladies swoon over your silky-smooth voice singing KARAOKE

- DANCE like no one's watching!

- Practice your NINJA SKILLS on the INFLATABLES


- Ward off the date-stealing competition in LASER TAG! 

Let's face it, Cadet- you need the training and WE NEED YOU!